Meet My Team

Beth Cook
Assistant/Dietetic Intern
Hi, Iā€™m Beth!
With a leap of faith and so much support I have started a new chapter in my life, turning my passion into my profession. After working in the business realm with my B.S. degree in Marketing Management I have switched my focus to achieve an undergrad degree in Dietetics, followed by a Masters in Registered Dietician Nutritionist. Over the past two decades I have become acutely aware of the role nutrition plays in our health, not only for those diagnosed with various conditions but also as a key player in disease prevention. I am so grateful to be learning from Jenn, and to have her as my mentor. She truly inspires me daily with the work she is doing to help others.
I am a wife to an amazing and supportive husband, and mother to two cherished teens who keep us busy with their academic pursuits and traveling sports. During my downtime I enjoy time with family & friends, reading, exercising, and traveling.